Registering as a "Free Agent" does not guarantee entrance into the
tournament. Free Agent teams in the Coed 4's and Coed 6's divisions
will be created on a "space available" basis, based partially on the number
of free agents registered for any one division as well as the space
available within that particular division. Reminder that there must be
5 teams minimum to create any division for this tournament.
Pre-registered and paid teams have priority over free agent teams.
Baltimore Beach Volleyball will do it's very best to place any and all free
agents onto free agents teams, yet reserves the right to change or drop any
free agent team as deemed necessary.
Baltimore Beach once
again shall attempt to create "Free Agent" teams into
it's "VolleyBoo 2024" tournament. It is our desire to
make this tournament available to any and all who wish to play in this
tournament, yet might not have a team, or know enough people to form a team
of their own. We want everyone to play and have fun at this event.
Yet we know realistically that some divisions may not have enough, or
perhaps too many teams to compete. In that case, we will ask those
individuals affected who have registered for a non-available division to
change to a different working division, if interested, or we will gladly refund
their registration fee. Priority placement is given first to those
free agent teams who have registered and paid in date and division order
of registration received. Next is date and registration order of
non-paid registrations received, and lastly those "walks ups" in division
order received. |